The Federal Election is over with the Scott Morrison Government defeated. In an election that will be in the history books for its upheaval, the Animal Justice Party has made gains in some areas and faced negative swings in others. In Queensland, while counting continues, the Senate vote has held steady at 2019’s record of around 1.3% up against stiff competition from the majors as well as The Greens, Legalise Cannabis, Clive Palmer’s UAP and Campbell Newman’s Liberal Democrats.
Senate Candidate Mackenzie Severns took to social media to thank the AJP’s members and volunteers for their support during the campaign.
“A huge thankyou to everyone!! 💛 Our candidates, the Qld committee & our volunteers! You are all amazing. 😍 This has been one of the most challenging campaigns to date, and to be honest, I am utterly exhausted! But I am so damn proud to represent this party and our values, alongside you wonderful people! I am proud that we are a voice for kindness, for ending animal cruelty, for acting on climate, and for protecting our planet.”
Queensland Convenor Lindon Cox said it was promising that thousands of Queensland voters were putting animals as their primary issue at the 2022 Federal Election. At the time of writing, with only 40% of the vote counted, already over 17,000 Queenslanders are recorded as having voted 1 AJP in the Senate.
“Our results again show thousands of Queenslanders putting animals as their first priority and in a time of COVID anxiety, cost of living pressures, emerging threats of war, gender inequality, corruption and other near-existential issues, we should be proud to have held our ground against unimaginably large campaigns from the likes of the LNP, Labor, Greens, UAP and are thrilled to have expanded our operations into new divisions and regions.”
Lindon said the AJP would keep looking forward in Queensland but would learn lessons from both successes and failures during the 2022 campaign.
“Our ability to do good for animals will be determined now by how we learn from both positive and negative. I am looking forward to reviewing our strategy and implementation and figuring out what lessons we can learn to come back more competitive with the view to *win* more campaigns in Local Government 2024.”
The AJP is most thankful to its kind and compassionate candidates, members, volunteers, Regional Group Leaders, and State Committee for all their hard work and dedication.
The result for the country is positive. The incoming Labor government has promised among other things: an end to the live export of sheep, an independent Inspector-General for Animal Welfare, and protecting 30% of Australian land and waters for the environment. It’s time now for the Animal Justice Party and other animal advocates to make sure those promises are delivered and more.