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Endangered in 2022

Extinct by 2050!

In February 2022 the conservation status of koala populations in Queensland changed from “vulnerable” to “endangered”.

This was after two decades during which koala populations nearly halved because of urban expansion, loss of habitat, disease, bushfires and climate change.

Experts believe there is a serious risk of extinction by 2050 if habitat loss continues.

Stop Koala Habitat Clearing

Queensland has become a world leader in land clearing and species extinction, and yet, both the state and federal Labor Governments are dragging their feet to stop urban over-development and agriculture from further ruining important habitats.

Since the 1990s, koala numbers in South East Queensland have fallen by 80% and in many areas, koalas have become locally extinct.

A 2014 study suggested koala tourism could be worth as much as A$3.2 billion to the Australian economy and account for up to 30,000 jobs. Yet human destruction of koalas' habitat is pushing our beloved icons to extinction.

Help us Save Queensland’s Koalas

We call on the Federal and State Governments to impose a moratorium on further clearing of critical koala habitat in Queensland and to actively support the rehabilitation and restoration of koala habitat throughout the State. 

Your support is crucial. Without public pressure, state and federal governments will simply stand by and let developers and other vested interest groups continue to dominate policy. Let them know where you stand on ensuring our precious koalas have their habitat protected.

249 Signatures Collected

Only 251 more until our goal of 500

Sign our Petition to Save QLD's Koalas