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Labor Election Promise to Ban Live Sheep Export

Dear Prime Minister Albanese, 

Right now, the fate of millions of sheep hangs in the balance. Labor made an election promise to ban live sheep export and many Australians voted for Labor based on this promise. The people of Australia now call on you to show your integrity and uphold your election promise by banning live sheep export. But this needs to be done in this term of government - not in the next one. If you were to lose office, no other government can be trusted to honour your election promise.

Anything other than an urgent ban will have disastrous consequences for millions of animals who are set to suffer and/or die on live export ships for years and years to come. On 13 June 2022, we witnessed the drowning of more than 15,000 sheep in the Red Sea. A ban needs to be in place soon to prevent more catastrophes of this sort.

The live export industry has lost its social licence in Australia and the community has put their trust in you to end it. Live sheep export must not continue, and Australia must not continue to take part in this trade. 

Prime Minister, you have the power to show leadership, to show integrity and to stop the suffering of millions of individuals. We call on you to cease the trade within your current term in office to end sheep suffering and deaths at sea, as well as their inhumane treatment at the end of the journey.

Labor Election Promise to Ban Live Sheep Export

1,163 Signatures Collected

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